“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13

Jesus gave his life so we could be free from sin. The soldier lays down his life so we can be free from tyranny.

As I reflect on the blessing of living in a free country, a country where I can openly express and share my faith, I am deeply humbled. As a civilian in this country, I can only begin to imagine what it would be like to go to war; to be willing to give my life in a battle to defend not just my own freedom or that of my family, but the freedom of strangers.

A few years ago, I met an elderly gentleman that served in World War Two. I wished him a Happy Veteran’s Day. With tears in his eyes, all these years later, he shared his experience of leading his men in the battle at Iwo Jima. He recounted the horrific loss of young lives that day. He lived to return home to his young wife and child, but he also brought home the memories of an experience that few of us will ever have to endure. He said, “I am 94 years old, and there’s still not a day that goes by that I don’t think about the young men that died that day.” As I hugged the former soldier and thanked him for his service, it struck me just how much he, and so many others before and after him, paid on my behalf. Payment that extended beyond a tour of duty to a lifetime.

I thank God for all our service men and women who have served and are currently serving in our military; I pray God will bless them richly for answering a call that requires extraordinary courage and bravery. ~Lisa

“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.Rom 5:7-8

Seeing the person God Sees

When you find yourself reliving past mistakes that shame or paralyze you; when friends or family would have you believe what you were is what you always will be; when you find yourself tempted to go back to old habits, old thought patterns, or destructive behaviors, remember this: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” Psalm 103:11-12. We have been redeemed and made new through our faith in Jesus!

Here I am, Lord, and I’m drowning in your sea of forgetfulness
The chains of yesterday surround me
I yearn for peace and rest
I don’t want to end up where You found me
And it echoes in my mind, keeps me awake tonight
I know You’ve cast my sin as far as the east is from the west
And I stand before You now as though I’ve never sinned
But today I feel like I’m just one mistake away from You leaving me this way
Jesus, can You show me just how far the east is from the west
‘Cause I can’t bear to see the man I’ve been come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
‘Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other
I start the day, the war begins, endless reminding of my sin
Time and time again Your truth is drowned out by the storm I’m in
Today I feel like I’m just one mistake away from You leaving me this way
I know You’ve washed me white, turned my darkness into light
I need Your peace to get me through, to get me through this night
I can’t live by what I feel, but by the truth Your word reveals
I’m not holding on to You, but You’re holding on to me
You’re holding on to me
Jesus, You know just how far the east is from the west
I don’t have to see the man I’ve been come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
‘Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other
One scarred hand to the other
From one scarred hand to the other ~from Casting Crowns’ song East to West

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up…”

You know how you’ll have that niggling– that still small voice— nudging you about something that you allow in your life, consciously or unconsciously, and then you open His word and it opens to the very passage that deals with what you’ve been kind of ignoring? Yeah, it was that kind of morning for me.

I try to be kind and encouraging at all times, I really do, but I fall short regularly. And it’s not just what comes out of my mouth, or my actions, but what I don’t say or don’t do that can be just as harmful.

I struggle with being a people-pleaser, and I will allow people to “vent” about other people. I would mostly just listen, and I would feel kind of righteous for not actually adding anything to the conversation. But there was that little voice putting a damper on my self-righteousness. Just because I wasn’t adding anything to the conversation, wasn’t my silence giving assent and encouragement to the speaker? This had been rolling around the periphery of my thoughts, but I mostly ignored it until the next occurrence, and then the voice got a little louder.

A few days ago my husband and I were hanging out with a new believer. He was sharing some gossip and I found myself not only allowing it to continue, but showing interest and thereby encouraging him to continue. My husband stepped in, graciously saying, ‘we don’t know the whole story’ and redirecting the conversation to something more productive, which made me realize the destructive and unhealthy path we were on. I felt terrible and immediately breathed a prayer asking for forgiveness. Not only could that have been destructive to the person who was the subject of the conversation, but to the new believer’s walk, and mine!

To drive the point home, this morning I opened my bible to this passage in Ephesians chapter 4 verses 29 through 32 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

I thank God for not giving up on me, and continuously, patiently, guiding me back to His path, giving me His word and showing me His nature. I pray I will reflect Him in all I say and do. Or don’t say and don’t do.

…but you would not

“For thus says the LORD God, the Holy One of Israel:
‘In returning and rest you shall be saved;
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.’
But you would not,
and you said, “No, for we will flee…” Isaiah 30:15, 16a

Returning. Rest. Quietness. Confidence.

That’s God’s way, but will I follow or run the other way?

Given my nature, I’m more likely to run; try real hard; come up with a plan; work day & night; stress in mind-racing craziness; become overwhelmed & frustrated because I can’t make things happen my way in my time…. Anything but return. Anything but rest. Anything but quiet. Anything but trusting confidence.

God’s ways are peace. My ways are stress.
God’s ways are peace. My ways are striving.
God’s ways are peace. My ways are exhausting.
God’s ways are peace, but I would not.

Perhaps it is because I try so hard to do things my way, rather than God’s way, that I find myself tired, ineffective, discouraged in the battle. Perhaps it is time to do things His way:
Return to Him. Rest in Him. Quiet our busy minds before Him. Stand firm in confidence in Him.
Your comments are welcome….

….it is high time to awake out of sleep!

“…the night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” Romans 13:11,12

As winter gives way to spring, new life bursts forth from the barren earth. We sit and watch and wait and hope as bleak winter grays turn to vivid hues of spring green, iris purples, the bright reds of tulips and sunshiny daffodils. It’s regeneration-to revive; renew; recreate. As the earth awakens, it’s a reminder that the church, which is me…and all of us who believe, has been for the most part, in a winter season-cold, barren, unfruitful…hibernating in our warm, comfy pews. It is time for us to wake up….to spring forth with new life! The life and love of Christ bursting forth from within us bringing new life to the world around us. No doubt, the world seems darker than ever before, but in the bleak darkness, Christ shines all the brighter! Let us wake up and shake off the dead wood of winter-all the things that weigh us down and hold us back, and let the regeneration of Christ begin….to revive, renew, and recreate, and so much so, that the transformation is undeniable-making unbelievers doubt their unbelief! As buds and blossoms and new blades of grass are undeniable signs of spring and the life within, let the evidence of Christ living in us be even more so! Here’s to Regeneration of the world and of the church and of you and me!

A Life-Changing Journey to Bogota

Darla with Laura and Ana MarieIt is something I’ve always wanted to do-something I always wanted my kids to do, but never thought I had the time or money to make it happen. I knew it would be life-changing for me, but I wondered if it would really make a difference for anyone else. playing with kidsIn mid-January…my lifelong desire and questions were answered, as I went along on my son’s senior mission’s trip to Children’s Vision International in Bogota, Colombia. After the initial culture shock of landing in a country where everyone speaks a different language; where motorcycles, buses and mini taxi cabs act more like bumper cars on the crowded city streets; where sewage spills out onto the broken, trash-littered sidewalks below; don’t drink the water or flush toilet paper or ever walk alone…..when I saw beyond the broken infrastructure of south Bogota….I saw the immensity of the broken people who lived there. Faces forlorn and hopeless, faces young and old, faces hardened by years of despair, the dirty faces of children playing in trash – oblivious to the desperation all around them and to the bleak future awaiting them. The “street people,” explained Children’s Vision President, and Bangor, Wisconsin native, Jeanene Thicke, are called “desechables” or “disposables”-cast-offs, trash, throw-aways. Her mission for the past 20 years has been to rescue these street kids-to “change the destinies of the destitute.” Could we really do anything to help make a difference during our 11 day trip? Or would it just some kind of noble vacation?Boy  with Empty Bowl It didn’t take long for us to see how demanding-emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually-rescuing these street kids and giving them a loving home and education, as well as a chance at life was- 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And it didn’t take long to see the contrast of happy, healthy, loved children inside CV to the brokenness outside. They are so consumed with trying to meet the day to day needs demands of transforming these precious lives, that extra things like painting the girls house and classrooms in the school, cleaning the skylights, baking special birthday cakes for each of the 100 children, sorting clothing donations and organizing school supplies and closets, just have to wait….wait for a team of volunteers like the Coulee Christian Seniors….to get those things done. A lot of work? Yes. Tiring? Yes. Rewarding? Yes. Life-changing? Yes. Not just for me, but for every one of us who went on the trip-and hopefully you were able to share the experience with us on Facebook and our daily reports.view from CVI 2 If not, be sure to stop by and check out more of the pictures at https://www.facebook.com/prayznetwork. Oh, and I’m still not sure how we raised all the support we needed for the trip….all I know is that with God, all things are possible! If you ever have the chance to take part in a short-term missions trip, I highly encourage you to go – your life will be forever changed.

Keep On

I remember when our kids were toddlers and just learning to walk….we didn’t keep track of the number of times they fell, but applauded every attempt to try again; we didn’t scold them for their tears of frustration, but rather picked them up and encouraged them to get up and take another step. We didn’t berate them when they landed on the floor, and we didn’t tell them they’d never, ever get it right. We knew, if they kept on trying, one day they’d not only be walking across the room, but running through the yard, climbing hills and trees. We knew that one day they’d be walking into their kindergarten classroom on the first day of school…..across the stage in cap and gown….down the aisle on their wedding day….and it all began with that first step…and the perseverance to keep on even when they fell. How much more our heavenly Father picks us up when we fall. He encourages us to keep on knowing that, if we don’t give up, one day we will walk….and He has prepared the path that lies ahead. Let us not become weary and discouraged by our many failed attempts to walk the walk….rather, let us keep on……get up and try again and focus on the prize before us. Happy New Year from your Prayz Family!

The Key to Happiness

“Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
Whose hope is in the LORD his God,
Who made heaven and earth,
the sea and all that is in them;
who keeps truth forever,
Who executes justice for the oppressed,
Who gives food to the hungry,
The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners,
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind;
The LORD raises those who are bowed down…..”
Psalm 146:5-8

I hope you find time to meditate on Him this Christmas-the Almighty God, our Creator, Redeemer, and loving Heavenly Father. May He be your all in all this Christmas and throughout the coming year. He loves you. He knows your every need. He watches over you, and is more than able to accomplish His purpose in and through your life and family. Trust Him & be “happy!” Merry Christmas! Love, darla

Of Loss and Hope at Christmas

Christmas romans 15 13Christmas….as the years go by “Christmas” seems to change…from the wide-eyed excitement of childhood to the joy and busyness of making Christmas special for our own families.  Then there comes a time when “Christmas” magnifies the missing pieces in our lives…the loss of loved ones, broken relationships and the long ago and far away memories of Christmases gone by – knowing things will never be the same.  But, it’s the HOPE of Christmas that will get us through each season….. The eternal hope behind the Christmas carols, the decorations and gifts of love.  The hope that gives meaning and purpose to it all.  The hope that there is so much more than this life can bring or throw at us.  With many Christmases behind me, all the things that once seemed such a vital part of Christmas – the shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking, and the hurrying here and there – seem far less important.  With so many of those with whom I once shared Christmas gone, my heart has turned more and more toward that heavenly hope –  Jesus.  Yes, there is the sting of  loss, but there is also a deep, deep joy, and a peace that transcends the pain.  There is also an urgency to share the real HOPE of Christmas with those who are walking in darkness – without the HOPE of Christ.  Whatever your Christmas brings this year, I pray you will experience that deep, eternal, unchanging HOPE. ~Darla

And if you need prayer to help get you through this season, please share your requests with us on the Ministry Page, and we will be sure to lift you up in prayer.

No More Easy Christianity

Persecution: 1.the subjecting of a race or group of people to cruel or unfair treatment, e.g. because of their religious beliefs
Synonyms: harassment, oppression, maltreatment, pursuit, torture, discrimination, torment, tyranny, intimidation

“I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!” – Jesus, John 16:33

I’m too tired to get up for church. It’s been a long week…. I really need to sleep in. Missed my Bible reading today…I’ll catch up later. Pray? No time right now, but I’m sure God understands. I really should stop by and see my neighbor who lost his wife…just as soon as I get time. I know my co-worker is going through a difficult time and is feeling hopeless. I really should share Jesus with her……soon. That guy is so annoying! Why do I keep running into him? Maybe God wants me to help him out? But, he is such a pain, and I’m too busy.

What if saying I was a “Christian” meant I’d be mercilessly beaten?
What if being found reading my Bible meant the torture of my children?
What if going to church meant facing the end of a machine gun?
What if sharing Jesus sent me to a filthy prison cell?
What if my Christianity cost me everything, would I be willing to give my all?


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

11:06 pmOne Prayer Away
by Cade Thompson
album Empty Room
10:56 pmBeautiful Story
by Newsboys
album United
10:53 pmMy God Can
by Katy Nichole feat. Naomi Raine
album My God Can feat. Naomi Raine (Radio edit)
10:49 pmCome To The Table
by Sidewalk Prophets
10:43 pmHow Far (Psalm 139)
by Josh Bissell
10:39 pmHold On
by August Rain
10:36 pmTrue In The Light
by Rend Collective
album Whosoever
10:31 pmMore Than A Miracle
by Grace Graber
album More Than A Miracle
10:28 pmHeaven Help Me
by Zach Williams
10:24 pmLift My Eyes.
by I Am They
album Faithful God
9:56 pmReason
by Unspoken
9:53 pmA Thousand Times
by We Are Messengers
album Where The Joy Is
9:49 pmAll Because of Mercy
by Casting Crowns
album Healer (Deluxe)
9:44 pmBetter Days
by Ryan Ellis
album Better Days (Radio edit)
9:41 pmGood Things
by Tasha Layton
album How Far
9:38 pmA God Who Understands
by Daniel Mulkey
9:33 pmWhere Grace Begins
by Joel Vaughn
album Where Grace Begins
9:30 pmFree At Last
by Jason Crabb
album Free At Last
9:26 pmKindness
by Jordan Janzen
album Kindness
8:55 pmFree
by Mandisa
album What If We Were Real
8:52 pmThe In Between
by Matt Maher
album The In Between (From The Chosen)
8:49 pmWho I Was
by Josiah Queen
album The Prodigal
8:44 pmHe Is
by Crowder
album He Is
8:41 pmHouse of God
by Sean Rodriguez
album Jesus Will EP
8:31 pmWhat If
by Consumed By Fire
album First Things First
8:27 pmCarry Me
by Ryan Stevenson
album ABLE
7:56 pmMighty God
by NCS Collective feat Coby James
7:53 pmStay Strong
by Danny Gokey
album Jesus People
7:49 pmCome Unto Jesus
by Laura Story
album Come Unto Jesus - Single
7:46 pmFaithfully
by TobyMac
album Faithfully Radio Edit
7:42 pmWalking Free
by Micah Tyler
album New Today
7:40 pmSatisfied
by Stars Go Dim
album Grace In The Wilderness
7:34 pmWho Jesus Is
by Laura Williams
album Who Jesus Is
7:32 pmNever Get Used To This
by Forrest Frank
album Child Of God
7:29 pmMy Story Your Glory
by Matthew West
album My Story Your Glory
7:25 pmHe Sees You
by Terrian
album Give It Time
6:57 pmThe King Is Alive
by Jordan Feliz
album The King Is Alive
6:53 pmHelpless Without You
by Andrew Ripp
album Helpless Without You
6:50 pmRunning Back To You
by Seph Schlueter
6:44 pmFor The Good
by Riley Clemmons
album For The Good
6:41 pmSpend A Life
by David Dunn
6:38 pmAll Along
by Sanctus Real
album All Along
6:34 pmFriend
by Joel Vaughn
album Friend
6:29 pmDesperate
by Jamie MacDonald
album Desperate
6:26 pmAnxious Heart..
by Jeremy Camp
album Anxious Heart
6:23 pmTomorrow
by Central Live
album Heaven's on the Move
6:19 pmJoy In The Morning
by Tauren Wells
album Joy In The Morning
6:16 pmThank You
by Life.Church Worship
album Sing As One
6:12 pmHeart Wide Open
by Mack Brock
6:09 pmWhat He Says About You
by Unspoken
album What He Says About You
6:05 pmOh What A Friend
by John Wesley
album Oh What A Friend
6:02 pmCenter Of It All
by Mac Powell
album New Creation
5:57 pmHurt People (Love Will Heal Our Hearts)
by Sidewalk Prophets
album Hurt People (Love Will Heal Our Hearts)
5:53 pmCome And See
by Jeremy Rosado
album Come And See (Album Version)
5:51 pmFingerprints.
by Dan Bremnes
album Into The Wild
5:46 pmFaithful.
by Erik Nieder
album Miracle Maker
5:42 pmAll That Matters
by Colton Dixon
5:38 pmWorry
by Phil King
album Worry (Radio edit)
5:36 pmHelp Me Let Go
by Tasha Layton
album How Far
5:30 pmJesus That I Know
by Stephen McWhirter
album Jesus That I Know (Acoustic)
5:27 pmFight On Fighter
5:24 pmThings That Matter
by Josiah Queen
album The Prodigal
4:57 pmParking Lot
by Cochren & Co.
album Running Home
4:54 pmSee As You See
by Jason Gray
album See As You See
4:50 pmCome Unto Jesus
by Laura Story
album Come Unto Jesus - Single
4:46 pmBy Faith
by 7eventh Time Down
album By Faith
4:43 pmWhen I Fall
by Katy Nichole
album When I Fall
4:39 pmSomebody Prayed
by Crowder
album Somebody Prayed
4:34 pmAbide
by Aaron Williams feat. Jon Reddick
album Abide
4:30 pmWorn
by Tenth Avenue North
album The Struggle
4:26 pmPower
by We Are Messengers
3:56 pmJordans
by Blessing Offor
album Jordans
3:53 pmRevival.
by Daniel Doss
album Revival
3:49 pmIt's Time
by Tori Harper featuring Mark & Sarah Tillman
album It's Time
3:43 pmPraise
by Elevation Worship
album Praise (Radio Version)
3:40 pmIn Case You Didn't Know
by Micah Tyler
album People Like Us
3:37 pmYou Can
by Cade Thompson
album Empty Room
3:32 pmCounting Every Blessing
by Rend Collective
3:29 pmNobody
by Casting Crowns
3:25 pmI Know A Place
by Leanna Crawford
album I Know A Place
2:56 pmNever Stop Singing
by Patrick Mayberry feat David Leonard
album Wild Faith
2:52 pmStand In Faith
by Danny Gokey
album Stand In Faith
2:49 pmHonestly, We Just Need Jesus
by Terrian
album Give It Time
2:44 pmHe Is The Way
by Nathan Sheridan
album He Is The Way
2:40 pmTake You At Your Word
by Cody Carnes
album Take You At Your Word
2:37 pmWhat If.
by Matthew West
2:33 pmHe is
by Lydia Laird
album The Heavy. The Healing. The Holding.
2:28 pmLess Like Me.
by Zach Williams
2:24 pmTurn It Around
by Jordan St. Cyr
album Be My Defender
2:20 pmYou Are I Am
by MercyMe
album The Hurt & The Healer
by Elevation Rhythm
album GOODBYE YESTERDAY (Radio Edit)
2:12 pmIn You
by Iveth Luna
album In You
2:09 pmNo Matter What
by Ryan Stevenson
2:06 pmWalk With Jesus
by Consumed By Fire
album First Things First
2:02 pmWhat I Can't..
by Joel Vaughn
album What I Can't
1:57 pmBuild A Boat.
by Colton Dixon
album Build A Boat
1:53 pmMy Defender
by Jeremy Camp
1:51 pmWon't He Do It
by We The Kingdom
album Won't He Do It (Radio Version)
1:45 pmLiving Hope
by Phil Wickham
1:41 pmThat's Who I Praise
by Brandon Lake
album That's Who I Praise
1:38 pmRebuilder
by Carrollton
1:34 pmHe Does
by Brandon Heath
album The Ache
1:30 pmWhy Wouldn't I Run
by Lee Park Worship
album Why Wouldn't I Run
1:02 pmWho I Am..
by Ben Fuller
album Who I Am
12:58 pmDon't Give Up
by Shawn McDonald
album Closer
12:55 pmWord Of God Speak
by MercyMe
album Spoken For
12:51 pmIn The Name Of Jesus
by JWLKRS Worship
album The Maverick Way
12:48 pmI Have This Hope
by Tenth Avenue North
11:54 amGOOD DAY
by Forrest Frank
album GOOD DAY
11:49 amJesus Will
by Sean Rodriguez
album Jesus Will EP
11:45 amGlorious Unfolding
by Steven Curtis Chapman
11:40 amGrateful
by Cade Thompson
11:38 amGod Did It
by Micah Tyler
album God Did It - Single
11:34 amMore Than A Miracle
by Grace Graber
album More Than A Miracle
11:29 amClean Heart
by Matt Maher
11:24 amDon't Stop Praying
by Matthew West
album Don't Stop Praying
11:20 amDesperate
by Jamie MacDonald
album Desperate
11:12 amLead On Good Shepherd
by Patrick Mayberry
album Lead On Good Shepherd
11:08 amWhen I Say Yes
by Jason Gray
album When I Say Yest
11:04 amA Thousand Times
by We Are Messengers
album Where The Joy Is
11:01 amThe Great Awakening
by Ryan Stevenson W/Danny Gokey
album The Great Awakening
10:57 amFingerprints.
by Dan Bremnes
album Into The Wild
10:54 amYes I Am
by Christian Paul
album Yes I Am
10:52 amBelieve On Jesus
album Jesus Music (Deluxe)
10:46 amDirections
by Micah Tyler
album Different
10:41 amWalk With You
by Zach Williams
10:38 amPlease
by Katy Nichole
album Please
10:32 amThat's My King
by CeCe Winans
album That's My King
10:29 amOne Day.
by Cochren & Co.
10:26 amBrand New
by Bay Turner feat. Terrian
album Brand New (feat. Terrian) (Radio Edit)
9:55 amI Feel Home
by Joseph O'Brien
album I Feel Home
9:53 amMy Light.
by Colton Dixon
album Canvas
9:49 amJesus On A Train
by Gabby Barrett
album Chapter and Verse
9:45 amWhisper and the Wind
by bodie
album Whisper and the Wind
9:41 amIn God We Trust
by Newsboys
album Worldwide Revival Part One
9:38 amGet Back Up
by TobyMac
album Tonight
9:33 amJesus I Believe
by Big Daddy Weave
9:29 amThat's My King
by CeCe Winans
album That's My King
9:26 amSee You Again
by Justin Warren
album See You Again
8:56 amSee Me Through It..
by Brandon Heath
album See Me Through It
8:53 amLetting Go For Dear Life
by Tenth Avenue North
album Letting Go For Dear Life
8:49 amShame Doesn't Live Here Anymore
by Building 429
8:45 amBattle & Blessing
by Jimi Cravity
album Battle & Blessing
8:41 amCreed
by Shane & Shane
album Vintage Two
8:37 amPsalm 23 (I Am Not Alone)
by Phil King with Meredith Andrews
album Bless My Soul
8:34 amTo Not Worship You.
by MercyMe
album To Not Worship You
8:29 amJesus Changed My Life
by Katy Nichole
album Katy Nichole
8:25 amA God Who Understands
by Daniel Mulkey
7:55 amYes He Does
by Stars Go Dim
album Yes He Does
7:52 amOh What A Friend
by John Wesley
album Oh What A Friend
7:49 amRollin'
by Blessing Offor
album Won't Be Long Now
7:44 amTears
by Cade Thompson
album Tears
7:40 amThe Power Of The Cross.
by Casting Crowns
album The Power Of The Cross
7:37 amLed Me To You
by Sean Curran
album Led Me To You
7:32 amMaybe The Miracle
by Lizzie Morgan
album Maybe The Miracle
7:27 amHow Far (Psalm 139)
by Josh Bissell
7:24 amFor God Is With Us
album For God Is With Us
7:20 amThe God Who Stays
by Matthew West
album 2.0
6:54 amGoodbye Ole Me
by Consumed By Fire
album Goodbye Ole Me
6:51 amDeliverer
by Matt Maher
6:46 amIn The Room
by Naomi Raine, Tasha Cobbs Leonard
album The Maverick Way Complete
6:42 amPraise God for That
by Jordan Feliz
album Praise God for That
6:39 amThis Is Jesus
by Jordan Smith
album This Is Jesus feat. Jordan Smith
6:34 amWhat He Didn't Do.
by Landry Cantrell
album What He Didn't Do
6:31 amHelp Me Believe
by David Leonard
album Plans
6:27 amWhat I Really Need.
by Bryan Fowler
album What I Really Need
6:24 amGod Be The Glory
by We Are Messengers
album God Be The Glory (Radio edit)
5:56 amListening Now
by Tori Harper
album Listening Now
5:53 amReflection Of You
by Ryan Stevenson
album ABLE
5:49 amMy Lighthouse
by Rend Collective
5:46 amLookin' For You..
by Zach Williams
album A Hundred Highways
5:42 amBut The Cross.
by Ben Fuller
album Who I Am
5:38 amRunning Back To You
by Seph Schlueter
5:35 amLost
by Unspoken
album Run To You and Get To Me
5:32 amTo The One
by I Am They
5:27 amPeople Like Us
by Micah Tyler
album People Like Us
5:24 amThankful..
by Verses
album Thankful
5:21 amBetter Days
by Ryan Ellis
album Better Days (Radio edit)
5:16 amThe Goodness
by TobyMac
album Goodness
5:12 amThe Harvester
by Brandon Heath
album Blue Mountain
5:08 amHold On
by Katy Nichole
album Jesus Changed My Life